1) The order to be shipped
- The client agrees that its order is acceptable for transportation and is deemed unacceptable when: (this list is not exhaustive)
o It is classified as hazardous material, dangerous goods, prohibited or restricted articles by the Lebanese law, IATA (International Air Transport Association), ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), ADR (European Road Transport Regulation on dangerous goods)
o It contains animals, counterfeit goods, weapons, explosives, illegal narcotics/drugs etc… - B.P.S. reserves the right to refuse the reception, shipping, or delivery of any item related to or suspected to be related to fraud, theft or any illegal actions.
- Some items are subject to ministerial approval, like medicines, books, DVDs etc… the approvals required for such itemsshould be provided by the client himself.
2) Charges
- The customs duties claimed upon the order are approximate, these duties will be final upon delivery
- All charges are due upon the settlement of the payment of his purchase on the online store.
- V.A.T is excluded from the charges.
- The client will be responsible of the extra fees and expenses in any case of returning the order to the seller.
3) Cancelation and refund policy
In any case of cancelation of the orderno refund is possible unless it is explicitly allowed by the seller. In that case and only when receiving the refund from the seller, B.P.S will reimburse the amount to the client.4) Security policy and disclosure of information
- All names, credits numbers, personal information transmitted by the client through this website are strictly confidential, all security measures are respected.
- All payments are secured by bank Audi’s e-payment system.
- B.P.S. is not liable: (non-exhaustive list)
o When the receipt is signed and the package received
o In case the content of the goods received is different from purchased.
o In case of loss or damage caused by any kind of delays or arising out of circumstances beyond B.P.S. control
o In case of imposed penalties by any authority for any cause (such as unacceptable shipments, non-compliance of copyrights and brand names, and existence of exclusive agents), the member is the only liable party.
5) Inspection
B.P.S has the right to open and inspect a Shipment without sending any notice6) Governing law
Any dispute arising under or in any way connected to these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the Lebanese law7) Complaints
1. Any complaint about any package or shipment or any incident that might occur may be communicated to our team: info@iship.me. If There is no guarantee of a solution, each case will be looked at individually.8) Marketing
By registering on our website iShip.me, you agree to subscribe to our newsletter and to receive promotional material, service updates and corporate news. You can unsubscribe at any time from the newsletter itself or by contacting us on marketing@iship.meI have read and agree to the terms and conditions.